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If you have a business and you’re not considering Pinterest right now you’re missing out on TONS of views. More importantly your are missing out on engagement.

People find creative ideas for their futures.

First, let’s be clear about why people get on Pinterest. They are signing onto the platform specifically to plan, and even better to buy. The average order value from Pinterest referral traffic is $58.95, compared to $55 for Facebook, according to Shopify research.

With those statements in mind, I’m sure you’re interest peaked. How I got 20,000 views in less then 3 months on a new Pinterest account is something you definitely want to know.

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Facebook Advertising vs Free Pinterest Views


If you’ve been messing with trying to get traction with Facebook advertising, you won’t want to miss this. Because listen to this… it was all FREE! No paid traffic on these stats. (Note that will change on this account soon)

Ok, so some background. I originally got into Pinterest because I had an ecommerce store on Shopify. I’ve done the traditional marketing ways for a long time. You know the drill. Giving away a freebie or discount for an email address.

This works well. As long as you have people actually coming to your website! So of course like everybody else, I turned to Facebook advertising to gain traffic.

What I found out was getting those views was expensive. Not to mention the number of organic views (which by the way all 20,000 views in 2.5 months are organic!) was downright dismal. Shitty in fact.

I realized that it was time to look for other ways to get the word out about my Shopify store.

I turned do to Pinterest and I’m so glad I did.

Pinterest monthly views

Get My 5 Social Media Marketing Resources

How To Get 20,000 Pinterest Views A MONTH in 2.5 Months or Less

I’m sure by now you’re ready to get traffic like this too. Let me dive right into how I got 20,000 views and over 700 engagements in 1 month after only 2.5 months for this account.


*First, disclaimer. This is a NEW account (2.5 months old) with no advertising (yet) I’ve grown ecommerce sites HUGE, but I also used paid traffic. I wanted to do this as a test so I could have the proof you can do this with your account just as easily.



I know how it is. You see someone with a large Pinterest following and want to have the same. It seems overwhelming when you first start trying to figure it out. It seems impossible and everyone makes it sound so easy.


Join me here to see my own account from behind the scenes. Because I want you to know you can do this. And you can get the 5 Resources I use in all my social media marketing.


You Got This.


Growing Your Pinterest Views

Step 1
Make sure to have a business account. This is important for many reasons. If you plan on selling anything this is a Pinterest requirement.

Step 2
Make sure you have set up your boards so they are reflecting the keywords that best describe your business, product, or course. Yes you can sell just about anything on Pinterest!

Step 3
Pin consistently. That means every day. Yes. Every. Single. Day.
You should be following the 80/20 rule. Pin 80% other people’s pins that are relevant to your target audience and 20% of your own content.

Step 4
Follow people who have content that is high quality and you’d like to re-pin. This makes the process of pinning 80% of your content from someone else easier. The pins of the people you follow will come up in your feed, making a simple to find quality content to re-pin.

Step 5
Follow the followers of Pinterest influencers who are providing great content for you. These are people that you follow and their content comes up in your home feed. Again, do this every day.

This is how you will end up with people who are genuinely interested in what you have. If someone has followed a board that has similar content, it is likely they will be in interested in visiting your boards and website.

Click followers at the top of the Pinterest account and scroll through the board followers. Follow people who look interesting or who would surely want to see your content. Don’t worry about following too many people. You can always go unfollow anyone at any time.

Step 6
Create your own content as often as possible. Remember that your quality content is going to end up being someone else’s Pinterest feed. You’ll want your pins created and pinned 20% of the time but every single day.

Pins last forever. Your content is not showing in someone’s feed for all of 30 seconds and then goes away like Twitter and Facebook. Your pins (content) have a very long shelf life that get shared over and over and over again. You’ll have pinners share who honestly like your stuff. You’ll also get found in searches. YES, Pinterest is the 2nd biggest search engine behind Google!

This is mind blowing to the person who needs more traffic to their website or marketplace. Etsy store owners, Shopify store owners, this is a HUGE way to get traffic to your ecommerce stores.

Growing your Pinterest Views with Quality Content

Step 7
This is the one where you think yeah, great idea. I’m gonna do that. And then the push back comes around day 3 or maybe even 4.


Because you’re stumped at how to get this content done. Sure you’ve got your product, your course, your widget to sell. Most likely some content around it. Even product photos.

But what about all those images and quotes and things you need to create on a daily basis? Where are you going to get those from. And how are you going to get it done QUICKLY?

Right. You only have so much time in a day.


Do what I did.

You Got This.

Or actually, we’ve got this for you. My friend Kat figured this out a long time ago, if there’s a real pro at Pinterest out there, it’s her. *Pssst she’s making 6 figures selling low cost programs on Pinterest.

It’s how I started managing several of my own Pinterest accounts a day. Then I started managing Pinterest accounts for other people who wanted their ecommerce sites to explode with more daily views and sales.

Want to get all your Pinterest marketing done, have images available to you? Quotes? Want to know how to get all of this done in less than an hour a week?

Then check out Monthly Marketing Solved.

Follow this 7 step process step by step and you will gain followers quickly. Targeted followers who are ready to buy what you have.

Get ready for your 20,000 views in less than 2.5 months! Click “more info” in the image below and find out more about monthly marketing solved.

*monthly marketing solved affiliate

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