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When we feel stuck, we want massive change. And we want it right now. Today. Right now.

The problem is when we feel stuck, we tend to do the same exact thing we have been doing, which is worrying about not having enough, become overwhelmed with all the stuff you are supposed to be doing and proceed to do fucking absolutely nothing about it, feeling sorry for yourself. And so you are stuck because even the thought of doing something new brings up the 3 biggies….

  • If I try I’ll fail
  • No one will want me.
  • I’m not worthy.

People build up life, it becomes unsatisfactory, and they want to figure out how to change it like an outfit. Just like that. Go to the store and get a new one. Done.

We sometimes live in a day dream that we could just wake up tomorrow and all the baggage, the what if’s….

  • The I’m not where I want to be right now
  • The re-run about how people in the dog business can’t really make enough to live a comfortable fulfilled financial life
  • The ever enslaving thought “I don’t have enough money” could be gone. Just like that, gone.

Its a secret wish we all live with from day to day.

How To Get Unstuck

We are stuck in our daily practice. Both in our minds in our in physical habits. What we do.

So, to get unstuck, first things first. Form a new daily practice. Shake yourself right out of the daze of mediocracy. Pick some of these simple things and DO IT.

1. WAKE UP YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS! What are you thinking? Become aware. Because you are probably thinking a lie you were told when you were a kid and you are still believing it!

Write it down. Read it out loud to yourself and realize how ridiculous it really is… “There are already too many dog trainers in town doing well, there’s not enough for me and besides I don’t know as much as they do.”

Come on now… really?

That’s the first thing….

Then select any one of these to begin a the unstuck process:

Think of 3 people you are grateful for. Bonus, send the people an e-mail, text, or give them a call.

Write down 10 things you are grateful for. Quickly. Just start writing them down. (if you aren’t in a place to write, or at your computer, name them in your head. This is an especially awesome technique whenever you start worrying or feel a bit of anxiety coming on. List gratefulness things in your head.

Tell someone you love them every day. Actually tell two people. Tell yourself “I love you” first, then tell someone else.

Go ahead. Get unstuck. Just start with one thing!

Want to get the 5 resources I use in all my dog business marketing?


Download 5 Resources For Your Dog Business Marketing


Jt Clough lives in San Diego with her two dogs, Zelda & Emmy. She has great passion for helping other dog trainers, dog sitters, dog walkers and veterinarians develop their dog business from zero to six figures through personal development and marketing online & offline strategies.